
Showing posts from March, 2020

What is Samagra ID and what is the benefit of Samagra ID?

Madhya Pradesh Government Following the principle of "Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay", the most vulnerable, poor, elderly, laborers of the society residing in Madhya Pradesh, people with disabilities as well as girls, widows and abandoned women and dependent children, sick members It is committed to providing complete social security to Innovative initiative for the active and successful implementation of all the beneficiary oriented schemes.  With the help of Samagra Portal, you can check various services like urban body colony/ward search, overall ID search, overall profile, overall civil service, overall population register, pension scheme, student scholarship scheme, student admission, etc. What is Samagra ID and what is the benefit of ID? The Madhya Pradesh government has introduced a 9-digit Samagra ID to provide the benefit of government schemes to the economically weaker people of the society, elderly, widows, and BPL families with protection. SSSM ID is very imp